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什么是MPA学位? 你需要知道的一切

有意义的变革始于有能力应对复杂挑战的强大领导者. Those individuals not only have the aptitude to lead, 他们也有教育,为一个令人兴奋和有影响力的职业生涯奠定基础. 

This combination is particularly valuable in the field of public administration. Unlike other career paths that present linear growth potential, public administration professionals chart their own course, 设计一个未来,满足他们的职业目标,以及他们的愿望有所作为. Earning a Master of 公共 Administration degree (MPA) is a great place to start.


公共管理硕士(MPA)是面向公共和非营利部门领导者的专业学位. 课程将传统的商业和金融课程与公共政策课程相结合,为学生担任高级职位做好准备. 

大多数MPA项目, like the one offered by 十大正规赌博平台大全排行, 根据学生的个人和工作情况,大约需要两年的时间来完成. 如果学生需要考虑工作和家庭义务,这可能与面对面的学习相冲突, an online MPA degree program may be the best option.

What matters most when choosing a master’s program? Compare features, benefits and cost to find the right school for you.


What Will I Learn in an MPA 程序?

MPA programs vary by educational institution, 这就是为什么找一个能支持你的专业努力的课程很重要的原因吗. An ideal program will not only provide a fundamental education, 它也会给你一些可操作的技能,可以立即应用到你的职位上. 

Here are some skills you can expect to attain while pursuing a MPA.

  • Strategy, Collaboration and 沟通: 从战略上考虑在竞争激烈的政治环境中领导组织,在这种环境中需要合作来推进组织使命. 
  • 财务管理 and Budgeting: 学会使用基本预算, 会计, 以及领导和管理政府和非营利组织所需的财务管理概念和工具. 
  • Leading Government and Nonprofit Organizations: Putting administrative decisions and organizational plans into action, 运用领导概念, 与个人和团体合作的工具和人际交往技巧,以有效地执行行政计划和做出决策. 
  • 管理决策方法: 学生将学习分析常见行政问题的具体技术,以及如何使用项目管理工具有效地管理行政项目. 
  • 政府的基础 & 非营利组织管理: 检查区分政府和非营利组织与私人组织的使命和目的的基本公共服务价值观, 以营利为目的, 组织. 学会系统地思考交付项目和提高组织绩效. 
  • Methodological Reasoning and Quantitative Analysis: 成为学术研究和专业报告的关键消费者,并自信地应用统计概念和技术进行专业决策. 

Who Is a Master’s 公共行政学 For? 

There are many professionals who are ideal candidates for earning an MPA degree. 他们在公共、非营利和私营部门担任各种各样的角色. 

“The bachelor’s degree is becoming the new high school diploma, 让硕士学位成为一个越来越重要的方式来区分你在该领域的职位,并成为一个有效的领导者和管理者,亚历山大·赫克曼说, MPA, Ph.D. Department and 程序 Chair of 公共 Administration at 十大正规赌博平台大全排行.

What Can I Expect From an MPA 程序?

一个充满活力的MPA课程将为学生在这个特定领域面临的专业人士的独特机会和挑战做好准备. 没有一个以使命为导向的机构可以没有一个具有推动变革和授权转型的专业技能的领导者. 十大正规赌博平台大全排行的MPA项目培养学生担任公共行政领导的能力,就像MBA培养企业高管的能力一样. 
“由于这些领域变得越来越专业和复杂,对硕士学位的需求越来越大,赫克曼说。. “You need people with a more sophisticated, 更高的教育水平,能够理解他们所处理的领域,并在这些领域领导和管理.” 

十大正规赌博平台大全排行 offers a current, applied curriculum focused on preparing students to be real-world practitioners, 毕业后,他们将准备进入劳动力市场,并立即承担政府和非营利组织面临的首要问题. 例如, experts in the field teach ways to navigate the political system from an organizational and professional perspective; real-world ethics and professionalism; critical thinking and process improvement; fundamental budgeting and financial analysis. 该大学还强调在其他课程中没有涉及的关键技能,包括方法推理, strategic organizational communication, and applied analytical techniques for decision making and problem solving.


Beyond the exceptional education students receive with an MPA, a world of opportunities also becomes available. From 2021-2031 jobs in public administration are expected to increase by 7%, giving those with an MPA the opportunity to impact real, positive change in a variety of fields.

  • Impact political advocacy and legislative analysis: Develop and support research and policy agendas, conduct legislative and policy research, 与公共政策利益相关者合作,评估政府和行业的行动. 
  • Solve big problems facing communities: Lead strategic planning and change efforts, coordinate external and internal services and intergovernmental affairs, and provide administrative oversight of programs to ensure compliance.
  • Foster success-oriented organizational environments: Drive best-in-class talent 管理ment, lead and support efforts to attract, 招募, 管理, and inspire highly qualified and ethical employees, and foster an organizational culture that promotes workforce diversity.
  • 影响改变,帮助人们: Spearhead and support government relations, 社区外展, 以及支持立法和公共政策优先事项和组织倡议的其他宣传工作.

对于任何目标驱动的专业人士来说,获得MPA是一项明智的投资,他们想要取得更多的成就并影响变革, 和十大正规赌博平台大全排行transfer-friendly 在线课程是政府和非营利组织寻找领导人才的首选研究生学位课程. 

看看 十大正规赌博平台大全排行MPA can help you earn your master’s degree and jumpstart your career advancement.
